January 11, 2025
5 min read

The start of something

Something I was interested in talking about in regards of how we perceive our experiences, how most of our sci-fi fears have existed before we were born.
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(before every post, fyi) I'm coming from a background in data and numbers, so my subjective opinion =/= endorsement, but my justifications are usually objective. It's really up for you to decide. It's your mind, after all.

Everything is going to get replaced. We typically think about jobs, or ads, or people that can make illustrations. And yes, there still will be a market. There are people who enjoy and prefer a ‘handmade wallet’ in a midwestern town brandished with a burn mark from a 200 year old family farm over one that was made by a machine 5,000 miles away. I’m not talking about those types of people. There will always be a market for both.

I’m talking about the replacement of you existing. 

Sorry if that sounded scary. Here are reminders if that statement sounded like the end of the world:

  1. All the skin on your body, from head to toe, did not exist more than around a month ago. Your body completely replaces your skin cells around 12 times a year.
  2. All of your tastebuds get replaced every 14 days, meaning if you haven't had orange juice in the past two weeks, technically your body has never experienced the flavor and texture of orange juice. 

Let’s get into the orange juice one, because I think this would help. You of course remember the taste of oranges and orange juice. (Sorry in advance if you have an OJ allergy) You can recall that flavor. There’s a folder somewhere in your mind that has the flavor and taste profile saved, but the original recorder does not exist in your body.

If you have had a pet, you can remember the softness of their fur, the warmth of their body, and maybe even the heartbeat or breath as you pet them. Once around a month passes, the cells on your hand that recorded that feeling for you - the feeling of warmth or the reminder of a loving pet no longer exist. Your mind will keep those memories, and record a profile of the fur, warmth, and heartbeat. If a month passed, you don't have the cells that held your pet with your body anymore.

You didn’t really lose a memory, because if you pet them right now it would feel the same. Your experiences stay, but the way you made them don’t.

Samantha Cristoforetti looking outside the Cuopola Module on the ISS. She experienced 200 days in space, a record she broke in 2015.

Eons passed. Aedon had lived as rich and poor, kind and cruel, strong and weak. They were every gender, every race, every creed. They experienced the height of human triumph and the depths of human despair.

Finally, Aedon stood once more before the Great Presence, no longer the same. Their soul was vast, a galaxy of memories.

“I have lived every life,” Aedon said. “I have felt every joy, endured every pain. I understand humanity in its infinite complexity.”

“Then tell me,” the Presence asked, “what have you learned?”

I am neither Aedon nor the Presence, so I’m not going to even attempt at answering the question. I do think, hopefully, once machinery and intelligence get to a point where we are able to attain the collective experience of everything that has ever existed, we will be able to answer the question.

I don't care if we answer it wrong the first time. I’m happy that we were brave enough to do it.

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The rest of my posts:

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